In the winter of 2013, two Cherry Road School Teachers and two Cherry Road Residents joined forces to create the “Paint Westvale Purple” 5K. It was originally a team fundraiser for the Solvay-Geddes-Westvale Relay for Life that would be happening in June that year. The name “Paint Westvale Purple” reflected the close involvement with the American Cancer Society and their notable “Paint the Town Purple” events.
The first PWP was organized in about three months by those four people who had entered and run races before, but never dreamed of organizing one of their own. With the crucial help of the Westhill Central School District Board and the local chapter of the American Cancer Society, we hosted a 200+ person 5K Run/Walk at Cherry Road School in Westvale, NY. We somehow covered our expenses and donated a few thousand dollars to Relay for Life.
PWP continues to adapt. After having to cancel completely in 2020, the 2021 course was changed and the size of our event was reduced significantly to incorporate COVID-19 safety protocols. In 2022, the event returned to (almost) normal with the return of the 1-Mile Color Run and the traditional 5K course. 2023 brought another update as the one mile run became our 1-Mile Bubble Run which remains in place.
Funds distributed through PWP since its inception total over $105,000! (For all of our past donation details go to our Charitable Giving page.)
PWP is organized by the Westvale Road Runners Club, which operates with a several person Volunteer Board and many additional volunteers.