This page contains information specific to the 1-Mile Bubble Run. You can get information for our 5K Run/Walk or general race weekend details at those specific pages.
The 1-Mile Bubble Run starts at 9:15 am.
You can sign up for only the 1-Mile Bubble Run or you can take advantage of our two for one deal and run it for free if you register for the 5K Run/Walk.
After doing a color run with powder in 2019 and 2022, we reimagined our one mile event and presented a 1-Mile Bubble Run for the first time in 2023. Based on very positive feedback and tons of smiles that spring, the bubble run concept was locked in for years to come.
The Route:
The start/finish line is in the bus loop and the route takes a counter-clockwise loop through the neighborhood. Immediately after the start you turn left onto Granger, cross over Cherry then turn left onto Parsons. After 2 1/2 blocks you make a U-turn at the turnaround halfway between Grove and W High Terrace. Then you run back up Parsons, take a right onto Clover, and a left onto Maple. The race ends with a left back onto Granger and then a quick left into the finish line in the bus loop. It is MUCH easier to navigate than it sounds. Here is the map:

We hope you enjoy your chance to run through bubbles this year!